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Selectmen's Minutes 9/4/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, September 4, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: Theresa McNulty, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter A. Hamilton
        George Samia, Town Administrator
        Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the August 21, 2007 meeting.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Margaret Alexander of the Daughters of the American Revolution for use of Sachem Rock Farm on September 8, 2007 from 1:00p.m. – 3:00 p.m. for a meeting, picnic and tour.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the appointment of Robert W. Emery of East Bridgewater as a Constable (pays own bond) effective immediately through June 30, 2010.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Timothy M. Harhen, MDA liaison for the E. Bridgewater Firefighter’s Association to conduct a MDA Fill-the-Boot drive on Saturday, September 8th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the intersections of Bedford, Central and Spring Streets, as well as Maple Avenue.

A discussion was held regarding appointing a Special Counsel to the Cable Advisory Committee to assist with the renewing of the Cable contract.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to authorize George Samia to appoint a Special Counsel to the Cable Advisory Committee.

Recycling Center hours
EB Business Association Business Expo – Sept. 8, 10a.m. – 2 p.m.
SE Medical Center grand opening, Sept. 22

Contract negotiations – meeting with unions
Audit – auditors in working on FY07 audit
Finance Committee – need to set up budget process for this year.

A discussion was held regarding the 2006 DOR Report. Mrs. McNulty reported to the Board on meeting with Cheryl Pooler, John Stanbrook and George Samia regarding the DOR report. Noted that 15 of the 17 goals have been addressed.

Mr. Samia noted that the Accountant and Treasurer have assimilated into their offices; offices are working well; applauded their efforts; noted that the team effort is back.

Mr. Walsh noted that Town Meeting approved implementing a Capital Stabilization Fund; need to look at ways to fund. Suggested that one way was to put 1% of total budget into fund each year. Would be a starting point.

Mr. Hamilton noted need to look into a Town Planner for infrastructure and Master Plan. Noted that OCPC has given us a price of $120,000 to do new Master Plan; also an offer of $50,000 from a person who would work as a part-time Town Planner.

Board of Selectmen                              -2-                     September 4, 2007

Board went over Pending Issues and made changes as follows:
Eastern States Steel – report received; need to set up meeting with DEP

Master Plan – discuss with Economic Development committee and Capital Planning Committee.
Annual evaluations for jobs – Mr. Walsh to work with Department Heads on process and implementation.
Town Planner – prepare article for a town meeting
Economic Development Committee – monthly meetings on 1st Monday
Have discussed Casino in Middleboro; member of Committee will attend Task Force Meetings. It was noted that Rep. Allen McCarthy is attending Task Force meetings also.
Cable Television License expires December 2, 2009 – Special Counsel to be appointed
Energy – Mr. Walsh working on options; will set-up a meeting with Department Heads for a presentation.
Capital Stabilization Fund – need funding source; set-up meetings with Capital Improvement Committee to look at options
Recall – have Town Counsel draft article
Habitat for Humanity – have new site; needs DEP clearance
DOR Financial Report – 15 of 17 goals accomplished
Christmas Parade – need volunteers
Delinquent Tax List and Tax Title –
Finance Committee vacancies – 2 ; interviews Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 6, 6:30, 7 p.m.

        Invitation to SE Medical Center/Compass Medical Grand Opening, Thursday,
September 22, 12 noon. Public Invited

        Sewerage Study Committee scheduled to attend. No one present.

Mr. Walsh, Board liaison to the Sewerage Study Committee reported that the Committee is looking at sewer districts; DEP needs to know if Town is going forward; working on pamphlets for distribution to townspeople.

Mr. Hamilton noted that he needs to be reappointed as the Towns member on Plymouth County Advisory Board.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to reappoint Peter Hamilton as the Town’s member on the Plymouth County Advisory Board effective July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008.

Mrs. McNulty reported on her attendance at the Carolyn Post Gym Dedication ceremony. Noted that it was a great event honoring a very dedicated teacher.

Mrs. McNulty read a Proclamation from Gov. Patrick ordering all flags to half-staff in memory of the two Boston Firefighters through Friday at sunset.

Board of Selectmen                              -3-                     September 4, 2007

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, move to adjourn Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract personnel issue and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – McNulty, Walsh, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned 8:05 p.m.

        Board of Selectmen